Complex Shoulder Fractures

Shoulder injuries can be debilitating and have a significant impact on your daily life. Complex shoulder fractures, in particular, can be a challenging and distressing ordeal for those who experience them. Understanding what complex shoulder fractures entail, how they occur and the potential treatment options available is crucial for both medical professionals and individuals who…

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Can I Get Frozen Shoulder in the Summer?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It typically develops slowly and can worsen over time, causing limited range of motion and difficulty with everyday activities. While “frozen shoulder” may cause you to think this is a wintertime malady, it has nothing to…

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Diagnosing an AC Joint Separation

AC joint separation may be an unfamiliar term to most people outside the medical field. Also called a separated shoulder, it is a common injury that happens when the bone in your shoulder connected to your neck (called the collarbone) gets separated from the bone in your shoulder blade. An AC joint separation or separated…

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Could I Be Developing Shoulder Arthritis?

Persistent or worsening shoulder pain can make you wonder if you are developing shoulder arthritis. While shoulder arthritis is a common condition, there are many other possible causes of shoulder pain. Steven Struhl, MD, at AC Joint Separation in NYC, reviews the symptoms, risk factors and treatment options for shoulder arthritis. What is Shoulder Arthritis?…

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What Are Loose Bodies in the Shoulder Joint?

Loose bodies in the shoulder joint, medically referred to as shoulder joint loose bodies or shoulder joint loose fragments, are small pieces of bone, cartilage or other tissue that have become detached and are floating freely within the joint space. These loose bodies can cause pain, inflammation, restricted movement and other symptoms, affecting the function…

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9 Possible Causes of Limited Shoulder Mobility

Limited shoulder mobility can significantly impact daily activities, causing discomfort and hindering a wide range of motions. Several factors can contribute to restricted shoulder mobility, each stemming from various anatomical, structural or functional issues within the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues. 1. Rotator Cuff Injuries The rotator cuff comprises a group of muscles and tendons…

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How Do Pectoralis Tears Occur?

The human body is a marvel of intricate muscles and tendons, each playing a crucial role in our daily movements. One such powerhouse is the pectoralis muscle, located in the front of the chest, comprised of the major and minor pectoralis. However, this robust muscle is not exempt from injuries, and one particularly severe condition…

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What Every Woman Should Know About Osteonecrosis

Osteonecrosis, also known as avascular necrosis or aseptic necrosis, is a medical condition that primarily affects the bones, causing the death of bone tissue due to reduced blood flow, most commonly in the knees. While osteonecrosis can affect anyone, it is one of the most common causes of knee pain and loss of mobility for…

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How Do I Know If I Have a Labrum Tear?

A labrum tear is a common injury that can occur in the shoulder joint. The labrum is a piece of cartilage that provides stability and cushioning in the glenohumeral shoulder joint. When the labrum tears, it can cause pain, weakness, and a decreased range of motion. If you suspect you may have a labrum tear,…

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Symptoms and Treatment for Loose Bodies in the Shoulder

Loose bodies in the shoulder can cause significant discomfort and pain and may limit a person’s range of motion and ability to perform everyday tasks. Loose bodies, also known as joint mice, are small fragments of bone or cartilage detached from the joint surface and float inside the joint cavity. A variety of factors can…

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