As the months grow colder, many New Yorkers will begin to experience pain and inflammation in one or both shoulders. It is all too easy to attribute these symptoms to the temperature alone. However, it is important to recognize that a frozen or inflamed shoulder may indicate an underlying injury or joint condition.

While extremes in weather can lead to pain and discomfort in the joints, it is more likely that these symptoms are indicative of an existing problem that has become exacerbated. Sufferers of shoulder joint inflammation should not ignore the signs as early intervention can dramatically improve treatment outcomes.

AC Joint Separation

A previously undiagnosed AC joint separation can present with infrequent symptoms throughout the year. However, during the winter, you experience extended flare-ups. Symptoms typically include inflammation, pain, discomfort and reduced range of motion in the joint.

The shoulder joint controls or plays a role in various arm mechanics, many of which are essential to performing everyday tasks. When the shoulder joint becomes inflamed, you may therefore experience weakness or limitations when using the associated arm. An AC joint specialist in New York can facilitate diagnosis and treatment to repair damage.

AC Joint Repair

At his AC Joint Separation clinic, Dr. Steven Struhl offers a patented Triple Endobutton Technique and other surgical options for treating shoulder injuries. The shoulder is a complex joint which may suffer damage during participating in a sporting activity or as the result of an accident. Minor injuries may benefit from a conservative treatment approach; however, surgery is often the most effective treatment for permanent relief.

If you are experiencing shoulder pain or inflammation, act now to avoid a lifetime of suffering. Early treatment under the care of Dr. Steven Struhl is effective and affordable at his New York AC Joint Separation offices.

Posted on behalf of Steven Struhl MD